vendredi 15 octobre 2010

Midterm Assessment : Product Shot on Location - Part 2

retouched image with layout

retouched image

original image

lighting diagram

For the final shot, we decided to use different types of lights. We kept the available light for the background, and we turned on the lamp that was on the left side of our product to add a bit of mood in our shot.

We mainly used a modeling light with barndoors on the right of our product to enlight the tortellinis, and we added a third light with a snoot at the back of the product to give more punch to it.

Then, we played with a polarizing filter to avoid the reflection created by the plate on the table.

We shot the product having in mind that we would flip the image after in photoshop, to be able to keep a nice composition with enough space to see the writing
properly on the layout.

So, that's what I did when I edited the image in Photoshop, I first flipped the image, cleaned the table a bit and adjusted the white balance.

However, the colors of the fonts should be changed to facilitate the reading; probably by writing the red words in green and the black ones in white.

That was an interesting experience!

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