mercredi 6 octobre 2010

Midterm Assessment : Product Shot on Location - Part 1

Digi Polaroid

Digi Polaroid with layout

Pre-light diagram

As we can see on the digi polaroid, the available light creates a nice mood in the photo. The only thing is that the product is not light enought to be emphasized. So we will add a light specialy for the product and leave the background with its ambiance light.

We will leave a bit of extra space in the frame, to permit to the graphic designer to crop the photo as he wants. It's pretty easy in this composition to crop a bit of the light that is in the background, and also a part of the table that supports the plate.

We can see in the digi palaroid with layout, that there is enough place to put the name of the magazine at the top, and be able to see the rest of the text on the left and right of the plate. Colors of font should be probably changed to be able to see them more on this darker background.

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