dimanche 24 octobre 2010

Assignment#2 | Lighting test

Digi Polaroid 1 | Plan A with natural light only

Digi Polaroid 2 | Plan A with one light added

Digi Polaroid 3 | Plan B with natural light only

pre-light diagram

Camera settings - Digi Polaroid 1 :
800 ISO | 1/30s @ f/3.2 | 35mm lens
Camera settings - Digi Polaroid 2 : 800 ISO | 1/100s @ f/5.6 | 35mm lens
Camera settings - Digi Polaroid 3 : 800 ISO | 1/30s @ f/3.2 | 70mm lens

For this assignment, we tried with michael to both find two nice places that could be interesting for our final photo. The one called Plan A is my favorite, but it includes windows and first, we will be shooting in the morning so the light won't be the same next time, and, we don't know what the weather will look like. That's why we thought about a "Plan B". In my case, I will do the shoot in the stairs of the lobby, without including any window. This is safer in order to have a good shot even if the weather is bad because it actually excludes the outside environment.

Anyways, I really like both of these two compositions that were shot in the same place actually so I think I will try both if we have the time. This way, I will have more options to choose what is the best place to enhance my model.

To imitate the natural light in the environment and increase its power, we will probably use two white lightnings by bouncing them on the high ceilings.
Plus, we can see on these three digi-polaroids that a highlight in the eyes is missing so we are going to bring different smaller light sources such as a reflector disc, or a speedlight to add a bit of kick to the photo.

My model is a real state agent. As she is propably going to wear black clothes, I'll be carefull to keep details in the blacks. I asked her to be professionaly dressed as when she receives clients and to bring an agenda or someting she often uses to have an accessory just in case we would like to add something in the shot.

Location Kit needed :
- 1 camera + memory cards
- 1 24-70mm lens

- 2 x 1600 white lightings
- 1 vagabond battery
- Extension cords
- 1 Powerbar

- 1 reflector disc
- 1 diffuser
- 1 polarizing filter to avoid reflections on the windows if necessary
- 1 speedlight
3 stands
- Pocket Wizards
- 1 laptop + a cable to shoot tethered

- 1 grey card

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