mercredi 10 novembre 2010

Assignment 4| Industrial Photograph Pre-Light diagram & photo

composition 1

composition 2

pre-light diagram

For this assignment, we want to mix various types of lights. We would like to keep the tungsten and fluorescent lights which are inside the machine (that we can see behind the window), close the lights of the room, and add others sources to light the model and some details of the machine.

We will light the model with a strip soft box in order to re-create the effect of the light coming from behind the window. Then, we will add speedlites to enhance some details of the machine.
We are probably going to use multiple exposures to have everything lit correctly : the window of the machine, the model, and some details on the machine.

We will try to do that for both compositions if we have two models. Our aim is to use a fast enough shutter speed to be able to control the light on the subject and make the background darker. We will also try to add a strobe bouncing on the ceiling behind the machine to try to make the machine looks more powerful.

The hardest thing to take care of will probably be the window. First, we will have to ask the student to clean it so we won't see all the dust in the photograph. Then, we are going to use a polarizing filter to avoid reflections on it.

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