dimanche 12 septembre 2010

Assignment#1 | Lighting test

Raw image

With editing in Photoshop

Ambiant exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/14.0 without reflector
Ambiant exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/5.6 with reflector to block the sun light
Strobe exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/11.0
Camera settings : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/8.0

As we did our photoshoot on a bright sunny day, the conditions were not really the best to reproduce the mood of my inspirational photo, which was shot on a cloudly day. The time of the day wasn't the same either, it would have been better to shoot on an early morning or late afternoon to get such a low and soft light.

So, as we were shooting around 11:00am with a stong sun, I had to find a solution to block the ambiant light, in order to make the sun my fill instead of my main light. By positioning a reflector right in front of the sun, I reduced the harsh light on Mickael's face and I still had light to illuminate the background.

Then, I played with the white balance in photoshop to add a bit of warm to the photo.

Next time, I'll keep my main light with the umbrella, but I'll shoot earlier in the morning to have a softer light either on the model and on the background.

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