jeudi 30 septembre 2010

Assignment 1| Final Image and Lighting Diagram

Inspirational image

Original image

Retouched image

Ambiant exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/4.0
Strobe exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/11.0
Camera settings : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/7.1

To shoot this final image, I used the same setting I had for the lighting test, except the reflector disc to block the sun. This time I used it as a diffusion panel to diffuse my flash light instead of using the umbrella which was impossible to keep open because of the wind!

The good thing was that there were clouds in the sky, as in my inspirational photo. The complicated thing was the perpetual changes in the sky with the sun coming in and out all the time! So I had to wait the good moment and shoot fast.

I still had to add some color in the sky, and make a warmer light on my model in Photoshop, to recreate the mood of my inspirational photo.

dimanche 12 septembre 2010

Assignment#1 | Lighting test

Raw image

With editing in Photoshop

Ambiant exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/14.0 without reflector
Ambiant exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/5.6 with reflector to block the sun light
Strobe exposure : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/11.0
Camera settings : 100 ISO | 1/200 @ f/8.0

As we did our photoshoot on a bright sunny day, the conditions were not really the best to reproduce the mood of my inspirational photo, which was shot on a cloudly day. The time of the day wasn't the same either, it would have been better to shoot on an early morning or late afternoon to get such a low and soft light.

So, as we were shooting around 11:00am with a stong sun, I had to find a solution to block the ambiant light, in order to make the sun my fill instead of my main light. By positioning a reflector right in front of the sun, I reduced the harsh light on Mickael's face and I still had light to illuminate the background.

Then, I played with the white balance in photoshop to add a bit of warm to the photo.

Next time, I'll keep my main light with the umbrella, but I'll shoot earlier in the morning to have a softer light either on the model and on the background.

mercredi 1 septembre 2010

Assignment#1 | Research

My intention is to reproduce the calm and quiet atmosphere that emerges from this photo, by using a soft light diffused with a white umbrella.

I will expose my camera for the background first, and I'll use only one light (that should be good enough) to throw light on the model on his left. I will maybe use a reflector too, if necessary to add more light and texture on his white t-shirt.